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Smart Scents - A guide to effective aromatherapy
  • Smart Scents - A guide to effective aromatherapy

Smart Scents - A guide to effective aromatherapy

7,77 €
inkl. gesetzl. MwSt.

Author: Jürg Singer & Dr Rainer Schneider 
Scope: PDF 112 pages, ePUB 191 pages 
Language: English
Published: 2nd edition 2016 
Publisher: Ebozon Publishing

ISBN 978-3-95963-154-9 (PDF) 
ISBN 978-3-95963-152-5 (ePUB) 
ISBN 978-3-95963-153-2 (Mobipocket)

eBook format: PDF PDF ePUB ePUB mobipocket/Kindle Mobipocket








Scents play a much greater role in our daily lives than most people would assume. In fact, the sense of smell is in many ways very fascinating. When properly applied scents and aromas may calm or activate, balance or invigorate. There is almost no experience which cannot be enhanced by the application of scents.

In this compactly written E-Book, you will learn what really matters when it comes to the use of scents. Another main objective of this book is to introduce a new aromatherapeutic method which can readily be used no matter what the circumstances. The authors also provide sound scientific evidence of this effective and ingenious method. In plain words, they outline how this method works and how mind and body can be effectively influenced.

A German version of this eBook »Kluge Düfte - Aromatherapie richtig gemacht« is available here.


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